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Introducing the famous author;

 John P. Smith   

The famous English Author John Smith was born in the year 1956 In England UK. 

In the past he has been described as being somewhat eccentric, somewhat different and not to mention, somewhat unreal and usual. He still resides there to this very day, living with his long suffering wife Teresa, his daughter Donna and Leo the Yorkshire Terrier. In his spare time and much to the annoyance of his wife and daughter, he listens to his Favorite Country&Western singers/song writers Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris and (rip) Johnny cash. When he does start to stray away from home, he enjoys nothing more than sailing his sea going craft, which he calls 'Pretty Emmylou'

And yes his friends at his Yachting club will tell you 'John does have a death wish' why because when the winds are howling, and when the waves are roaring, John and his craft 'Pretty Emmylou' will be the only sailor, and the only sailor drunk enough, or foolish enough, or both, to put out to sea in a force 10 gale.                                  

From the famous author John P. Smith about his book called Titanic 2

About the book;

Travel back in time for one hundred years, as you read in between the lines as the first part of this story unfolds. The story surrounding the building of, and that of which, should have been a historical maiden voyage, on April the 12th 1912, from Southampton England to New York, and the rest as they say is history.

Now travelling back to this present day, follow the story of the designing, the building and the maiden voyage on April the 12th 2012 of this realistic reproduction replica of the first Titanic, right down to the passengers and crew, eating the same food, drinking the same wine, and dressing up in the same attire as they did in the early 1900s. And that is not to mention dancing in the grand ballroom to the same bands and to the same music, also not mentioning the chamber pots beneath the beds. The passengers and crew alike really do think they are in a time warp, they really do think and have been transported back in time one hundred years.     

TITANIC 2.......On sale now from Amazon.

The next up and coming best seller from this famous English author is called;

'Apis Bee Killers 2'


Page 45 from Apis Bee Killers 


He climbed the stairs, slowly one by one, he wasn’t really looking forward to seeing his wife stone cold dead in their bed, but he couldn’t put it off any longer, it had to be done. He reached the top of the stairs and then stepped into their bedroom and then froze in his tracks just inside the doorway. What the hell, he thought to himself, what the hell’s going on?

            For the moment all he could do was to just stand and stare at the bed, and try to make some sort of sense out of what he was seeing.

            The bed was empty, his wife was no longer there, yes the bed clothes were covered with drying vomit, and urine, but that was the only evidence of last night’s events.

            Maybe, he had only thought she had been dead, last night and she wasn’t really, maybe she had only passed out or something and then woke up later when he had been asleep, in which case where was she now, and would she remember that he had tried to murder her? And if she had remembered he had tried to murder her maybe she was at the police station right now, or maybe she had gone running over to Paul’s house and told him that he, her husband had tried to murder her, that he her husband had tried to make her choke on her own vomit?

            All these thoughts were running through his mind, one thing was for sure, he couldn’t continue on with his plan, after all how could he phone 999 and say my wife is dead in bed, when she wasn’t even there?

You can contact the author John P. Smith, either 

By phone or by email.......

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08717890157 (calls cost 10ppm) OR on  07914712909    




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