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Only In The Philippines by the famous author John P. Smith

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Available in paperback or Kindle edition. By the author John Smith.

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About the book; Only In The Philippines.

This aging and failing English author, in an attempt to boost his plummeting book sales is given one last chance by his publisher. They send him to the Philippines with strict instructions to write a book about a single man’s holiday guide to the Philippines. However while he’s there John’s imagination starts to run away with him, and as he is a horror writer he decided against all advice to rent a haunted house. This book goes on to tell of his adventures.        

About the author;
The English author John P. Smith is known the world over. His many horror/fiction stories are also renowned the world over. However fame and fortune has not gone to his head, he is still a simple and level headed man. Who still enjoys the simple things in life, like sailing the seven seas of the world aboard his craft which he calls ‘pretty Emmylou’ which he named after one of his favourite Country & Western singer/song writer Emmylou Harris.


Copyright© by John P. Smith all rights reserved.

Read Chapter One Free. By the author John Smith

                                                                                                         Chapter One

I could tell straight away that Joyce was pissed off with something, what I didn't know, but I was guessing it was me? It was after all, always me! Sometimes, well most of the time, I could and did, in fact do it without any effort at all, without even trying?.

I now quickly tried to think, what hadn't I done, or what had I forgotten to do, or what hadn't I done properly? Sitting here at my laptop and thanks to our ‘L’ shaped rooms I had a good view of the lounge, dining room and Kitchen. Yes the sofa cushions were in the right positions on the sofas. Yes I had hovered the carpet, yes the dogs toys were in the corner where they were supposed to be. Yes I had done the washing up; the dishes were drying in the front of the drainer, followed by plates, then mugs and glasses. Cutlery and other utensils were drying on the left hand side, in the plastic drainer. And yes I had emptied the rubbish bin, and yes also fitted a new bin liner, I mean God forbid, if I ever forgot to fit a new bin liner, or leave out a Vodka bottle that I had forgotten to hide?
I mean quite why she, and now I’m talking about that dear wife of mine, quite why she thought that all of those, were my jobs, quite why she thought all those jobs were down to me, I still hadn't worked out?
Yes okay she does have a full time job, but then also so do I; however that dear wife of mine would not agree with me about that? And the reason for that is, I work at home, or at least I do when I've done all the jobs that dear wife of mine gives me to do.
I would like nothing more than to start work as soon as I got up in the morning, but oh no I can’t do that? Because our daughter Rosy still lives at home with us, that and the fact that she is 25 and still living at home with us and with her dog. What has that got to do with me, I hear you ask? It means to me, I’m the silly sod who has to take the dog for a walk every day. So I’ve just lost an hour a day, before I start to do anything else. The fact that Joyce, that dear wife of mine has just got home, and is now starting to bang cupboard doors, and that is a dead giveaway she was pissed at something, or someone, and I was betting that someone was bound to be me? However before either one of us could speak, the telephone began to ring. I did breathe a sigh of relief, as I picked up the phone and pushed the answer Key.
“John you cake, how you doin?”
I recognised the voice, straight away, and although I knew the voice belonged to Rosemary, who was my American book Publisher, I would never have believed the call was coming from halfway around the world? Before I could answer her she went on.
“John how’s the book coming along, is it anywhere nearly finished?”
This time I did manage to reply.
“Rosemary, if you had to live here, with my daughter, her dog, and Joyce, well then guess what, you wouldn’t be asking me that silly question would you?” Rosemary however was not very impressed with my answer, because she went on.
“Look John, I’m going to come straight to the point, we had a meeting here today, and we are no longer satisfied with your work, or rather the buying public are no longer satisfied with your work? Your book sales are down by 25% last month, and 23% the previous month. John you need to come up with something new, you need to come up with a new angle a new twist. John, John you still there?”
“Yes, yes, I’m here, well as a matter of fact, I have got a new angle.”
“Well John am I glad to hear about this little gem, and just when were you thinking of sharing this little gem with me?”
“Well it’s only just been sorted, and just in case you didn’t tune in to KRYSTAL Radio last week well then you won’t know that I teamed up with KRYSTAL Radio, to run a competition?”
“I’m sorry John, KRYSTAL Radio, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of KRYSTAL Radio?”
“Well Rosemary, I’m not really surprised, because it is a famous London Radio station, here in London in the UK because that is just where I just happen to live, however, having just said that, it is also worldwide on the internet. In fact they do have an American DJ who transmits her very own show from over your side of the world.”
“John just cut the crap and get to the point, please?”
“Well the point is the winner of the competition gets his very own story, written by yours truly, he stars throughout in his very own book, and it’s based on his very own idea.”
“Yes John that’s all very interesting but your point is?”
“Well Rosemary my point is as far as I’m aware it’s never been done before, this will be a first, for mankind?”
“Look John, and please don’t throw your dummy out of the pram, when I say this, but that will cut no ice, with the directors, however what I did have in mind, was for you to take an all-expenses paid holiday. And while you are there, well if you care to do a little writing also, then I’m sure that will show you up in a good light, as far as the directors are concerned?”
“Well thank you Rosemary however it is a bit short notice and I’m not sure Joyce will be able to get the time off work anyway?”
“John listen to me, I wasn’t talking about Joyce, and I wasn’t talking, about what you would call a family holiday here either? I’m talking about a single man’s, or a bit like a single man’s holiday guide because after reading your books, I’m sure this assignment will suit you right down to the ground?”
“Rosemary listen to me, I’m not a young man anymore I’m 56 years old, I can’t party all night long like I used too?”
“John I know that, and that makes you, the perfect candidate, you are not going to be shagging every pretty lady in sight, are you?”
“Why is that what they do in the Philippines then?”
I just had to ask her.
“Well John I don’t know whether they do or not, that’s why you are going to go over there and find out, isn’t it John?”
When I didn’t answer, Rosemary went on.
“John if you want another contact from us, then the answer you are looking for is yes.”
“Well Rosemary when you put it like that, what can a man say?”
“John that’s great I knew all along you would agree, I’ll book your flight, I’ll send your money by Western Union which you can collect when you get there. Out of which you will need to pay your hotel bill from, and the Minder whom I have arranged to look after you. Who will by the way meet you at the airport? The rest of the money is for your own living expenses. Now any questions John?”
“Minder I have a minder? Why do I need a Minder Rosemary?”
“Well even if you just keep him on the payroll until you get the feel of the place, but that John will be up to you okay? Now, I’ll email you your flight itinerary, and tickets okay so be sure to check you emails, now John any other questions?”
Well I was sure that there was, but as I couldn’t think of any right there, and right now, I hung up the phone to do battle with that dear wife of mine, who had been listening to every word I’d said on the phone?
“Philippines, Minder, so John what’s going on, and when were you planning to tell me about this, this, well whatever it is?”
“Well Joyce my dear I’m planning to tell you about this, just as soon as I find out myself, after all how can I tell you about something, even I don’t know about yet?”
“John at least you can start by telling me what you do know, can’t you?”
“Well I do know my publisher wants me to go to the Philippines, I also know she wants me to have a Minder, while I’m there to look after me, and I also know she is going to email me the flight tickets and details, and at the moment that is all I know. Well no, actually that’s not quite true, because I also know if I don’t go then my publishers will not be issuing me with any new contracts, how does that grab you Joyce?”
“Well that doesn’t surprise me in the least, why do you think it should do then John? I still can’t understand for the life of me, why don’t you get a proper job, and go to work every day like proper and normal people do. That’s what I still can’t understand John?”
What I wanted to say was.
“Well Joyce I still can’t understand why you just don’t mind your own business, that’s what I can’t understand?”
But I didn’t, instead I just carried on writing on my laptop.
And too late I did think of another question, which was, what about the voltage in the Philippines, because I would need to take my laptop, and I would need to plug it in to recharge it? However I needn’t have worried because as it turns out, it is 220/230 volts the same as ours over here in England. Or at least that is what the national grid will claim? But anyone who has ever plugged in a volt meter at peak times, or not just at peak times, will tell you, it’s more like 210/215 volts, rather than the 220/230 volts, that they claim, it does fluctuate up and down. And yes at 3 am in the morning when most people are tucked up safe and warm in bed, yes the 220/230 volts are all yours. However when everyone jumps up between the commercials of East Enders, to put the kettle on for a cup of tea, well then it’s 210 volts if you’re lucky?
Anyway yes, I opened my emails printed off my e-ticket and flight details. It was then a mad panic to find my passport, because without that, I would be going nowhere?
“Have you seen it?”
I asked Joyce.
“Why would I have seen your passport, it’s yours, not mine, I know where mine is, why don’t you know where yours is then John?”
“Because you put things away somewhere, then you forget where you have put then, and then you remember to say.”
“Well I don’t know where it is, I haven’t seen it, and why should I, because it’s your passport and not mine?”
Now I was trying to help her out here so I suggested.
“Well maybe just maybe, you put them both together somewhere you know so one of them didn’t get lost or something?”
“And just how could one get lost then John?”
“Well I don’t know Joyce, how one could get lost, but it has hasn’t it Joyce, and it’s not yours that is lost is it, oh no its mine that’s lost, isn’t it? It seems funny to me, that you lost mine and not yours, so how does that work Joyce, just explain that to me if you can?”
But of course she couldn’t, and then one day it just sort of showed up, one day it wasn’t there, and the next day it just appeared as if by magic? If that’s what you want to call it anyway?
One week later I was sitting on a National Express coach on route to terminal 4 Heathrow airport. After listening to Joyce trying to explain, how she could drive to Gatwick airport, but didn’t know the road well enough to be able to drive to Heathrow? Question mark, yes that’s what I thought as well, but I couldn’t be bothered to ask, or argue, so I didn’t. Which is why I was sitting on this coach right here and right now?
Yes agreed I wasn’t looking forward to the flight, the longest I had ever sat on a plane before was for only 8 hours, and that was for a family holiday in Florida. Well 3 times in fact, but those 8 hours seemed to last forever? And now here I was going on a 16 hour flight. Okay agreed we did have a nearly 3 hour stopover in Abu Dhabi, but it was still 9 hours to Abu Dhabi. Then another 7 hours from there to the Philippines, so I would be travelling for a total of 20 hours, by the time I eventually got to my hotel.
However one thing I was looking forward too and looking forward to very much indeed was I would get to see my best friend again.
For years I had been best friends with a famous model from the Philippines. We had met about 5 years ago at a party, called ‘The London’s Famous Peoples Party’ and to say I was knocked out by her beauty is an understatement.
She had long black hair, almost in fact down to her 25 inch waist, and the brownest eyes you’d ever seen. She was tall and slim, well apart from her 35 inch bust that is. And I guessed she would be no older than 25. She did also have a pretty and a flawless face, with the most kissable lips you ever did see. In fact I didn't find out her real age for another year, and even then I didn't believe her? Her real age proved to be 40, which just goes to show just how very wrong a man can be?
Bernardita Edwards was her married name owning to the fact she was married to an Englishman.
Tony Edwards was an English bar owner, in the Philippines, and he fell in love with Bernardita the first time he saw her, and I could well understand that as well. As the years went on, Bernardita’s modelling work began to dry up; her husband sold his bar and retired with Bernardita and are now living happily ever after in the Philippines.
After the party where we had met, Bernardita returned home to the Philippines, we however kept in touch with each other by Facebook. And when I told her I was coming to the Philippines, she didn’t hesitate, and straight away invited me to stay with her at her house. Which of course I jumped at the chance, and needless to say I saw no point in telling that dear wife of mine, that I wasn’t going to stay in a hotel after all, I was going to stay in a house owned by a famous model? On Facebook the night before I gave Bernardita the number of my flight, which would land at Manila airport, she told me, her Minder and driver, Jordan would meet me at the airport.
”You have a Minder and driver?”
I asked her.
”Yes of course his name is Jordan Estabillo Mercado, and I also have a yaya, or housekeeper to you and her name is Gina Montalvo Tecson.”
Bernardita also made me promise her, that I would not leave the airport with anyone other than with Jordan, why she said that I didn’t know at the time, but I would find out why when I got there?
I looked out of the coach window and it looked just like it was going to start raining? Bernardita did say September in the Philippines was the rainy season, but I decided that I wouldn’t mind the rain, not if I was with her anyway?
The only problem I had with the coach was, it picked me up at Colchester bus station, but it didn’t go direct to Heathrow airport. Along the way we made several stops for putting down and picking up other passengers, but it was cheap, so I suppose it was a case of ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ and as that dear wife of mine couldn’t drive me there, well I couldn’t be a chooser?
But eventually we did arrive at Terminal 4 and well before the 3 hour check in deadline. Which I was pleased about, owning to the fact that, that dear wife of mine was still at home. Which meant I could do whatever I wanted to do, so I made a beeline for the bar, something I wouldn’t be allowed to do if that dear wife of mine was with me?
It was true that I had always had a drink problem, or a wife problem, the problem was that dear wife of mine didn’t drink, well not much anyway. Maybe a glass of wine on Christmas day if I was lucky, and because she didn’t drink then she didn’t think anyone else should either? And guess what, I was that someone else?
Over the years I had survived the best way that I could, I had to resort to drinking Vodka, I mean Vodka how sad was that, I didn’t even like Vodka, but Vodka was good because it didn’t smell, well not much anyway?
However sitting here in the bar, I didn’t give that dear wife of mine a second thought, because in a few hours’ time she would be a million miles away, and I would be like a free man, and I did say out loud.
“Oh thank you Rosemary cheers, thank you so much.”
I decided three pints of Cider and a double Brandy was enough to steady my nerves, I never had liked flying, but the alcohol was working. It wasn’t the fact that I was scared of flying, I wasn’t, scared of flying it’s the being confined bit, that I didn’t like much, I don’t like being in a confined space, I do know that there is a medical condition for this, but what it’s called, I have completely forgotten at the moment, but I do know there is one?
However with about five drinks under my belt I decided, it was time to check in, so grabbing my suitcase and hand luggage, I then headed for check in zone F.
As I waited in the queue, I was behind a pretty young lady who certainly had her hands full, and the reason for this was she had two suit cases and two rucksacks for hand luggage and a restless, maybe 2 year old toddler his name turned out to be Zac, and his mother’s name turned out to be Amie, but it would be a couple of weeks until I found out that?
It was after I had checked in and headed to security that I caught up with her once again. Her problem was, she wanted to pass through the security check point with her hand luggage, however her 2 year old toddler had other ideas, he didn’t want to? So here she was trying to hold two rucksacks and her toddler, and she only had one pair of hands.
She stopped and looked around, and saw me, and said.
“I’m sorry would you mind taking this hand luggage through security for me?”
Well what did I say, what could I say, I said the only thing I could say, which was nothing because the pretty lady had dropped the hand luggage at my feet, and had gone running off after her 2 year old toddler.
So I did the only thing I could do, and that was to pick it up and line up to go through the security doorway. When it was my turn to go through, I put mine and the pretty lady’s hand luggage, together with my shoes, belt, watch, mobile, into a plastic tray, and pushed it towards the x-ray machine. I then also walked through the doorway.
However after I had gone through, my tray hadn’t, or rather it had, but was being held back by the security officer.
”Is this tray yours sir?”
The young blonde sexy security officer asked me.
I confirmed it is.
“And this baby milk in this baby’s bottle, is this yours as well sir?”
“Well no not the baby’s milk, that’s not mine.”
“Excuse me sir who is the baby’s milk for then, where is the baby?”
I turned and saw the pretty young lady and her toddler about 25 feet away; they had just cleared the security.
“There I said, he’s over there with his mother, why can’t I take his milk through with me then?”
“Well yes sir you can but you will have to sip it first to make sure it is milk?”
“I’m, I’m not sure if I can?”
I wanted to call over the pretty young mother, but she was still too far away, and the security offer was getting inpatient, because she now said.
“Sir you are holding up the queue, are you going to sip the milk or not?”
So again I did the only thing I could do, I unscrewed the lid, smelt it and sipped it. And I did guess it was baby milk. However it was enough to satisfy the security officer, because she pushed the tray towards me.  And I was free to go.
No sooner had I replaced my belt and picked up my things, put my shoes back on, then the pretty lady with the toddler was there waiting for me, and I asked.
“I’m hoping that was baby milk I just tasted, please tell me it was?”
“Oh I’m sorry I gave you the wrong bag to take through, but yes don’t worry it was baby milk, thank you anyway, I do have my hands full as you can see?”
And I did have to agree with her about that as well.

Copyright© by John P. Smith all rights reserved.

  1. Clicking on the book cover takes you to Amazon, where you can buy the book in Paperback or the Kindle edition   

Chapter One.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten…….

Mother only ten Spitfires took off, why only ten do you think?”

Sarah looked across the living room, at her daughter Katie with a look of concern on her face, yes alright agreed her daughter was only thirteen and a teenager, however she couldn’t help thinking Katie’s new obsession was a tad unhealthy to say the least?

            To be honest Sarah couldn’t remember when she first noticed Katie’s obsession, well if in fact it was an obsession, but Katie’s Mother had no other word to call it! Of course, the fact that there was a War on, and that the house they had lived in for the last five years was more or less in a direct line with the end of the main runway, at the Hornchurch RAF Base.

Also, the fact that Katie’s Father, Peter Markham was a Squadron Leader stationed at RAF Hornchurch, and that fact, could well have had a very large part to play, when Katie’s obsession was being born, or in fact when it first started?

            Sarah could however understand her daughter’s logic, Katie would stand at the window every time she heard her Father’s Squadron taking off, and would count them to see how many took off. And when the Squadron returned she would count the returning Spitfires, hoping that they would all return safely. The worrying part for Katie was of course, if they didn’t all return? And if they didn’t all return, then, why didn’t they all return, and who were the missing Pilots?

            Of course, her Father Peter had tried to explain to her, that just because fewer planes returned to the Base, it didn’t necessary mean they had been shot down or even crashed, it might just mean they had been diverted to another Airfield somewhere, like RAF Duxford, which was on the outskirts of Cambridge, and only about forty miles away. However, whatever her Mother or Father said to her made no difference to Katie, as soon as she heard the sound of the Spitfires taking off, she was there at the window counting.

            “Katie why don’t you come away from the window and play with your sister?”

Katie’s sister, who Sarah was referring too, was two years younger than Katie; and everyone would say they were just like two peas in a pod, however Amy had no interest whatsoever, in the War, in the Airbase, or even how many Spitfires took off, or in fact how many landed again, when they were all returning to their Base?

Katie just put this down to the fact that, Amy was just not old enough to understand? All Amy seemed to care about was saving up all her pocket money to buy the Hamster she had seen in the pet shop. However so far, she had only saved up one Sixpence, and three pennies’ and the Hamster and the cage would cost her one Shillings and Sixpence. In fact, poor Amy had been saving up for so long now, she was starting to wonder if it would all be worth it, after all this time? But every time she walked down the high street and looked into the pet shop window, at the Hamsters, Amy knew yes, all her scrimping and saving, and her going without sweets, yes it would all be worthwhile in the long run!

            In fact, it had now been at least a week since Amy had last checked down behind the cushions on the sofa for loose change, in the past she had found mostly Pennies and Halfpenny’s, but she had been lucky in the past and once found a Sixpence, but anyway it all helped.

            Sarah was starting to hate this War, their lives had been turned upside down, yes okay the RAF pay was good, but what good were Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, when food was rationed? More and more often she found herself going to bed hungry, having decided to give her two daughters parts of her own rations, and then pretended she was full, and couldn’t eat another mouthful. But on the plus side, and after all, every cloud does have a silver lining, she was a little over weight and so she didn’t worry too much about it.

It was true to say that Katie was feeling a mixture of emotions, as the oldest she knew she was supposed to set an example to her younger sister Amy! However, with the start of World War 2, Katie began to believe that was almost impossible?

            First and foremost, Katie loved her Father, of course she did, in fact maybe even more than her sister did, and after all, Amy never seemed to care about how many Spitfires took off, or how many Spitfires came back? Secondly Katie was so proud of her Father he was after all a RAF Squadron Leader, and he proudly boasted he had never ever been shot down, not even once. (Which in truth, was in fact a little white lie, which Peter had told his daughter one day, just to try and make her feel a little better?) But there was only one thing Katie did begin to despise her Father for, and that started on the day that the War was announced, and no one remembered that day better than Katie did herself.

It was at 11.15 a.m. on the 3rd of September 1939 when on the wireless the British prime minister Mr. Chamberlain made a BBC broadcast to the British nation. Everyone all over Britain who was in ear shot of a wireless set, stopped whatever they were doing at the time, and moved in closer to make sure they could hear his every word.


"This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note stating, that, unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock today, that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, then a state of war would exist between us.

I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is now at war with Germany.

You can imagine what a bitter blow it has been to me that all my long struggle to win peace has failed. Yet I cannot believe that there is anything more or anything different that I could have done that would have been more successful.

Up to the very last it would have still been quite possible to have arranged a peaceful and a honourable settlement between Germany and Poland, but Hitler would not have it.

He had evidently made up his mind to attack Poland whatever happened, and although he now says he put forward reasonable proposals which were rejected by

the Poles, that is not a true statement. The proposals were never even shown to the Poles, nor in fact either to us, and, although they were announced in a German broadcast on

Thursday night, Hitler did not wait to hear comments on them, but ordered his troops to cross over the Polish frontier.

His actions show’s us convincingly that there is no chance of expecting that this man will ever give up his practice of using force to gain his will. He can only be stopped by force.

We and France are today, in fulfilment of our obligations, in going to the aid of Poland, who are so bravely resisting this wicked and unprovoked attack on her

people. We have a clear conscience. We have done all that any country could do to establish, peace.

The situation in which no word given by Germany's ruler could be trusted and no people or country could feel themselves safe, and it has now become intolerable.

And now that we have resolved to finish it, I know that you will all play your part with calmness and courage.

At such a moment as this the assurances of support that we have received from the Empire are a source of profound encouragement to us.

We the Government have made plans under which it will be possible to carry on the work of the nation in the days of stress and strain that may be ahead. But however, these plans need your help. You may be playing your part in the fighting services or as a volunteer in one of the branches of Civil Defence. If so you will report for duty in accordance with the instructions you would have already received. You may be engaged in work essential to the prosecution of war for the maintenance of the life of the people, in factories, in transport, in public utility concerns, or in the supply of other necessaries of life. If so, it is of vital importance that you should carry on with your jobs.

Now may God bless you all. May He defend the right. It is the evil things that we shall be fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution and against them all I am certain that the right will prevail."

Katie however couldn’t help it, yes, she knew very well her Father was proud to go and fight for his Queen and Country, he was so proud to go and fore fill his patriotic duty. Katie however couldn’t help thinking that surly his duty to his family, was first and foremost, and then to Queen and Country secondly?

            Of course, Peter had tried to explain to her, that not only was he fighting for Queen and Country, he was also fighting for her, for his family but not just for his family either, but in fact, for the freedom of every British family in Great Britain. It was in fact that very day when they were sitting around the tea table that Katie’s bubble was about to burst, and about to burst big time!

            It was Amy who said.

            “Mum who’s the letter from?”

            The letter she was referring to was the letter her Mother was holding in her hand, the same letter she had been reading to herself over and over again for God alone knew for how many times?

            “I’m sorry Amy what did you say?”

            “Mum I said who is the letter from?”

            “Oh, what you mean this letter?”

            She said as she waved it in the air over the table.

            “Yes, Mum I mean who is that letter from, you must have read it over and over loads of times by now already?

            “Oh yes this letter, well I did want to talk to you both about this letter, I just don’t know how to explain it that’s all?”

            Now it wasn’t just Amy looking at her Mother a little concerned it was Katie as well. Sarah looked at both of her daughters, took a deep breath and said.

            “Oh well this letter is from your Aunty and Uncle in Australia, they are sorry to hear that Britain is about to go to war again, and how dangerous it will be to live over here in Britain.”

            Katie and Amy looked at each other across the table, it was Katie who said.

            “Mum I can’t even remember their names never mind about the last time I ever saw them?”

            “Well I think Katie you were about five or six when they immigrated to Australia, lots of people from Britain were doing that to build a better life for themselves! And who could blame them? My only regret was, that we didn’t do the same thing, it was your Father who prevented us from doing the very same thing.”

            It was Amy who then asked.

            “So, Mum are we all going to go and live with our Aunty and Uncle in Australia, when are we going how will we get there?”

            “Well as you ask Amy, yes, we are, well no, not all of us, in fact just you two, just you and Katie, your Father and I will have to say here, after all he can’t fight the war from Australia now can he, his plane can’t fly that far!”

            Again, Katie and Amy looked at each other across the table, to let their Mothers words sink in, Katie couldn’t believe her mother wanted to split up this family? Her family and why just because of this stupid, silly War, Katie and her sister had never even asked for this War, and didn’t even deserve this War, or didn’t even want this stupid, silly War.

            From the look on her daughters faces Sarah could see they were not happy, and the truth was, neither was she, she couldn’t stand the thought of sending her daughters away, but it was for their own good, for their own safety! The look on her daughters faces made Sarah feel bad so she said.

            “Look okay, alright, it’s not forever, as soon as the War is over you’ll come back home again and both of you safe and sound as well. In any case just think if we lived closer to the centre of London, you wouldn’t have any choice, all the children are being sent to live with other family’s out in the Country whether they like it or not. We are expecting the Germans to Bomb London but not the Countryside. But living in the Countryside there still won’t be enough food anyway, so you and Amy will be far better off in Australia at least there you won’t go hungry, anyway will you?”

            “But Mother what about school, that’s what I’ll like to know?”

            “Katie don’t worry about school they do have schools in Australia you know, and I’m sure their schools are much better than English schools are anyway, with much better teachers as well!”

            “So, Mother if their schools are better than British schools, in what way are they better, I mean do they have fire alarms which go off in case there is a fire. In our school, we have to rely on a silly teacher ringing a silly hand bell, the same silly hand bell they ring when playtime is over. I mean if it’s the same silly bell how can we tell if they are ringing it because of a fire, or are they ringing it to tell us playtime is over?”

            Now it was Amy who asked.

            “How will we get there, I’ve never even been on a plane before?”

            “Don’t worry you would go from London by train to Dover, where you would board a Ship and sail to Australia, and Amy don’t worry about it because your sister will be with you all the way, you’re not going on your own now are you?”

            Katie however was not at all happy, so she said.

            “Mother just listen to yourself, you are talking like it’s all settled, when you haven’t even asked us, if we even want to go at all, well I for one don’t think it’s fair, because instead of just telling us, we are going, you should at least ask us. If we even want to go, don’t you think, or maybe you just don’t care enough to ask us, and maybe you have made up your mind already?”

            “Katie that’s not fair and you know it, I only want what’s best for you both, I do love you both after all, but if that counts for nothing then all I can say is I’m sorry, and there is a War on you know!”

            It was then Katie suddenly stood up, pushing back her chair with the backs of her legs, she rushed from the table, and over to the window.

            “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, only eight, she waited hoping the rest were just late returning, or had just taken a longer route home, she waited and waited, but still there were two Spitfires missing!

            Her mother tried to comfort her.

“See Katie, if you were in Australia you wouldn’t be worried about silly and stupid things, like how many planes took off and how many planes returned and landed now would you?”

“Mother don’t you realize it’s not silly or stupid two planes are missing those planes could have been shot down over the sea, my Father and your husband could be floating around in the freezing cold North Sea. Hoping that he will be rescued before he dies from the freezing cold North Sea, did you know a man can only survive for twenty minutes in the freezing cold North Sea because it’s so cold?”

“Oh, really Katie I have no idea who is filling your head with all this stuff and nonsense, but I sure wish they would stop doing it?”

“Mother it’s not stuff and nonsense, it’s the truth, but if you want to ignore the truth and bury your head in the sand and pretend it’s won’t happen, then go ahead and be my guest!”

“Well young lady with an attitude like that, I think the sooner you and your sister get off to Australia then, the sooner the better don’t you think?”

Katie turned and looked over at her younger sister hoping that she may just get a little support, but Amy’s expression told her nothing! So, she said.

“Well Amy, come on you tell Mother just what you think about being shipped off, to halfway around the other side of the world for God alone knows for how long? And out of sight out of mind, comes to mind, and who knows Mother and Father might just forget about us, and we’ll be in Australia for ever and ever, and we’ll never come home, ever again! We will both live and die in Australia; we will both live and die in that dismal Godforsaken, Country don’t you agree Amy?

“Oh, really Katie, Australia is not a dismal, or even a Godforsaken Country at all, I mean how could you even think such a thing? You know every well how much your Father and I love you both don’t you, even if there is a War on?”

“Well Mother all I can say is, you have a funny way of showing it, I mean trying to split up this family, War or no War, it’s just unfair, unjust, and it’s also unkind! Anyway, what about poor Lola, you won’t remember to feed my pussy everyday like I do will you? I mean you would even forget to feed us if we didn’t keep reminding you, now wouldn’t you?”

“Oh, come on Katie that’s just not fair and not true and you know it’s not true! But I’m not going to talk or argue about it anymore; maybe your Father can make you see sense?”

“Yes, if he ever gets rescued from the freezing cold water in the North Sea in time, before he freezes to death that is?”

“Katie, I don’t want to hear that sort of talk, not in this house you’ll upset your sister, do you hear me?”

Katie looked at her sister, but from the look on her sister’s face she hadn’t even been listening to their conversation, or maybe she had, but was just pretending that she hadn’t been?

“Now Katie make yourself useful and take the lightbulb out of the table lamp and plug in the iron please I’ve got to iron your uniforms for school tomorrow.”

Now it was Amy’s turn to reply.

“Well I for one, I don’t even know why we still bother to go to school, with all the Air-Raids we have every day we spend more time down in the Air-Raid shelter, and wearing our gas masks. All we do is just keep repeating over and over again the twelve times tables, and I think the stink of the rubber gas mask is far worse than what the smell of the gas would be, if in fact they ever did drop a Gas Bomb on our school?

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