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For information about the book please watch the video trailer By the author John Smith.

For information about the book please watch the video trailer by the author John P. Smith  

Horror story by the famous author John P. Smith

On Sale from Barns & Noble and Amazon In Paperback edition. By author John Smith  

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Copyright© by John P. Smith 2013 all rights reserved.                                                                                  Introduction

Deep down in here, it was dark, even in one of the lightest corners it was dark, dark enough to enable Gabby to hideaway, and dark enough so no one could find her. So dark even Gabby could not find herself sometimes, she liked it that way, and sometimes she did not even want to find herself anyway, well if she had the choice that was, which she didn’t. Deep down here in the dark dungeon of Gabby’s mind were two movable barriers, one she used for going in and out of, but the other one, this was the one Gabby always tried ever so hard not to use, for when she did so, bad things always happened, oh not to her, not to Gabby but to other people, other people who had been foolish enough to do Gabby wrong, other people who had been foolish enough to cross her, and when they did, that’s when Gabby had to give into temptation and use the bad movable barrier. Ever since she could remember, she had always had this gift, quite where this gift came from she did not know, some would argue this gift could only have come from one place, and that one place could only have been the very pits of hell. Or maybe it was a gift, a gift from the custodians, the keepers of all things good and true and honest and kind. Maybe Gabby thought that ‘gift’ was the wrong sort of word for what she had, the fact that she had never asked for it, the fact that she didn’t even want it made no difference she had been given this ‘gift’ and she was stuck with it. All she could do was to try and limit the amount of times that she used it. Of course as a child she did not know she was different, from the other children; she did not know that she was special, if special was in fact the right word for it.     

                                                                                    Chapter one
                                                                     Stonehenge midsummer 1965
“Pete are you sure tonight is the night?” “Yep it’s July the 14th that’s what the book says, and today is the 14th so yes tonight is the night baby. Pete reassured her, you and I making sweet, sweet music under the moon, stars and stones baby.” “Oh Pete tonight is going to be so special, so magical I just know it is.”
Pete and Sam Woods had been planning this trip to Stonehenge for months now, how it all came about, how the idea first started, by now they had both forgotten. In fact the idea was born about 9 months earlier, when they were at a friends Barbeque, they had been drinking and smoking pot nearly all day, after all it was the days of the Beatles, rock and roll,  flower power, and make love not war. In fact the day of the hippies, when men wore longer hair than the women, and free love, and make love not war was the motto of the day. Sam and Pete were not married however they did live together, and they did want to make a special baby, and where better to make a special baby than at Stonehenge on the 14th of July.
On this hot summer’s day the sun was shining through the windscreen of their VW camper van, Pete loved this camper van, okay so it was pretty basic with one double bunk bed, a gas cooker, a cupboard, and that was it, no toilet or shower or luxuries like that would you find. However Pete and Sam didn’t care, they were in love, and love could overcome anything. “It can’t be much further now” Sam told Pete, “yeah, yeah, you said that about an hour ago, I knew I should have taken a look at the map myself.” “Don’t say that to me Pete, you know better than to say that to me, otherwise the map goes out the window.” “Oh yeah sorry babe I forgot that bit didn’t I?” “See look over there” said Sam excitedly pointing over to the right hand side, at first Pete didn’t see it all he could see was grass, and more grass. He then looked at Sam’s finger, to see where it was pointing, and his eyes then followed the line to where it was pointing, then at last he saw it too. Although they were still a good half mile away the stones were massive, “wow will you just look at that” Pete exclaimed. They could see people walking in and out of the massive circle of massive stones, and from here they looked no bigger than ants. “How the hell did they build this?” Pete asked, “and who the hell was it anyway?” “don’t ask me” Sam replied, “I wasn’t asking you I was just thinking out loud that’s all, Pete told her. A little further on along the road they reached the monuments car park “here, in here, park up Pete” Sam instructed, Pete switched on the right hand indicator and turned into the car park. His camper van looked well out of place here, all the other cars and campers were no more than three years old, and here was Pete’s about twelve. However it was not just the camper van out of place, it was also Pete when he climbed out of the van he had the longest hair here and that was when he was amongst the other women, who all seemed to be walking around taking pictures. Sam and Pete just stood side by side looking at the round circle of massive stones, Sam reached out for Pete’s hand and held it in hers, and said, “oh Pete tonight is going to be so very special, I just know it is.” “Come on” said Pete “lets get some photos before we lose the light, shall we?” Pete went back inside the van and located the camera, after he had taken all the shots he wanted the sun was well low down in the sky. Sam had gotten two picnic chairs out from the back of the van, and they now sat side by side facing the stone circle. Pete was busy on roll up duty; they took it in turns as neither of them liked rolling up the spiffs, oh yes they both liked to smoke them, but both hated rolling them. Having finished rolling, Pete handed one to Sam who took it gratefully and they both lit up. Both of them were now lost in their own thoughts, both of them lost in this magical place, and this magical moment.
As they now watched the sun set, the car park was now nearly empty, most of the sightseers had gone home, or those still there were thinking about it, and would soon be gone also. The sun was now replaced by the moon which seemed to be playing hide and seek, as it would hide behind a cloud every so often, only to reappear a few moments later. “Come on” Sam urged “everyone has gone, and we are all alone, and I’m feeling so sexy.” Pete didn’t need telling twice, he put the picnic chairs back in the van, and hand in hand they both slowly walked up the slight grassed incline to the massive magical stone circle. Although the sound of nearby thunder was quite loud neither of them seemed to hear it, nor did they see any lightening.  They entered the circle and Sam went and stood right in the middle, she raised up both arms high up in the air and wide apart, and swivelled around as if to acknowledge some long lost false God or Gods. Sam now started to do a slow sexy dance under the moonlight; she then started to slowly and sexily remove her clothes, until her body was completely unclothed and naked. Pete watched as she now laid down on her back spread eagle in the middle of the stone circle. Sam now held up her right hand in Pete’s direction and using her index finger beckoned Pete to come over and join her in the middle of the circle. Pete did, he removed his clothes and joined Sam in the middle of the circle. This time they both did see the forked lightning and hear the loud clap of thunder as Pete’s penis entered Sam’s vagina. “Oh yes Pete, this is so special, this is so sexy” that’s what Sam told him anyway. Pete said nothing; he was quickening his pace, “wow slow up Pete, not yet it’s too early, wait, wait for the lightning and thunder, they did wait, but not for long, the forks of the lightning  streaked down from the sky and seemed to hit all of the stones in the circle all at once. “Yes now Pete, now the time is right” Pete could feel Sam’s vagina muscles grip his penis tightly, and at the exact moment as the clap of thunder, Pete’s penis exploded into Sam’s vagina. However it was not just Pete’s seaman that exploded into Sam’s vagina, the lightening charged his seaman with the powers of the ancient Achaeans who are still to this day chanting long ago written down magical Hellenic chants from the Mycenaean civilization.           
It was at exactly at two minutes to midnight on the 6th April 1966 that little Gabby was born.

Copyright© by John P. Smith 2013 all rights reserved.

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