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Titanic 2 by the famous author John P. Smith, book cover by John Smith author.
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About the book;

Travel back in time for one hundred years, as you read in between the lines as the first part of this story unfolds. The story surrounding the building of, and that of which, should have been a historical maiden voyage, on April the 12th 1912, from Southampton England to New York, and the rest as they say is history.

Now travelling back to this present day, follow the story of the designing, the building and the maiden voyage on April the 12th 2012 of this realistic reproduction replica of the first Titanic, right down to the passengers and crew, eating the same food, drinking the same wine, and dressing up in the same attire as they did in the early 1900s. And that is not to mention dancing in the grand ballroom to the same bands and to the same music, also not mentioning the chamber pots beneath the beds. The passengers and crew alike really do think they are in a time warp, they really do think and have been transported back in time one hundred years.     

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From the author John P. Smith about the book Titanic 2
Stokers from the Titanic 2 website by the author John P. Smith
From the website of the famous author John P. Smith from his book Titanic 2
By the author John P. Smith picture for his book Titanic 2
Titanic 2 the next up and coming book by this famous author.

Chapter One

   England early 1900s


Lady Sarah Knight didn’t even want to go, she just hated motor cars, steam trains and most of all ships, and in fact she found any sort of transportation loathsome, tiresome and not to mention damn right boring. However she was married to Lord Paul Knight, and they did after all have to display a united front, after all the lower classes were always constantly watching, and waiting, and ready to condemn her ladyship, if she was to show just a glimpse of too much ankle while alighting from a horseless carriage!

            Lord Paul Knight on the other hand didn’t care one hoot, what the lower classes thought of him or Lady Knight either, come to that. As a large land owner he did provide the lower classes with employment, for which they should all be thankful for. He believed that the lower classes should look up to Lady Knight and himself and be thankful that he gave them any kind of employment at all?

Instead of finding fault and criticizing people like himself all the time, criticizing people which were higher and mightier than those peasants and servants would ever be. After all there was a place in society for everyone, and everyone should know their rightful place.

            It was one cold night in January when Lady Sarah Knight first voiced her concerns to her husband.

            “But oh really Paul is it safe do you think, this new ship, what’s it called again?”

            Lord Paul Knight laughed at this question, from his naive wife, who was now looking at her husband daggers, who was now looking at her husband as if looks could kill!

            “Really Paul, do not laugh at me, I do not appreciate being laughed at in the same manner that you would laugh at a small child in.”

            “Please, please forgive me my dear, my darling that never was my intension, the magnificent ship is called the Titanic and if you had as much faith in the engineering genius who is commissioning, this, this, fine modern state of the art vessel you would not have asked me that rather puerile question.”

            “Really Paul you may well consider my question as being a rather puerile question, I however do not, now Paul I will ask you the same question again and this time I would appreciate a civil answer. Do I make myself clear Paul?”

“Why yes you do indeed my dear, you do indeed; please proceed once more with your question.”

“My question was Paul do you consider this vessel to be safe?”

“Yes my dear it’s implicitly safe, for if I was not convinced, I certainly would not even consider endangering our very lives on her now would I?”

“Yes but Paul dearest how do you know it’s safe, it’s never even sailed before, they don’t even know whether or not the thing will even float on the sea?”

Once again Lord Paul Knight wanted to laugh at his wife, but stopped himself just in time.

“Sarah, Sarah my darling, my dearest, the vessel, that vessel is one of a kind, it’s, it’s, and well it’s unsinkable!”

“But Paul it maybe unsinkable but just supposing the ships engine thingy stops working in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, what will we do then?”

“My dear Sarah it will not, it is brand new, and it will be well tested as it sails from the shipyard in Belfast where it was built, to the docks in Southampton, where we will be boarding.”

“But Paul I am a Lady after all and I am accustomed to a certain standard of living, what I mean to say is, what are the rooms like on this ship, and oh Paul who will be responsible for laying out my garments for the forthcoming day?”

“Cabins my dear Sarah, they are not called rooms, they are called cabins. And the ships servants will be on hand to answer to your every whim. And of course and quite rightly so we will be travelling first class, and as such we are entitled to our own entire first class deck, where only first class passengers are allowed, I mean God forbid if we had to mix with the second class riffraff because that would never do, no that would never do at all!”

“But Paul, I mean what would one do all day long?”

“My dearest Sarah you would not get bored we will wine and dine on the very finest, there will be music and dancing, and during the day walks along the first class decks, in the sunshine, or if you are feeling energetic, you can always partake in the gymnasium, which is equipped with the very latest high society equipment.”

Fat guts Knightley, which was in fact a fitting nickname for him due to his large build and even larger beer gut, is how the locals referred to Lord Paul Knight. But only behind his back of course, he had been the Lord of the manor here, which he had inherited from his father when he had died five years since.

Fat guts Knightley was never satisfied no matter how hard his farm labourers worked, he always demanded more, the same could also be said about her Ladyship no matter how hard the kitchen staff, and house maids worked she also demanded more of them.

Fat guts Knightley was also despised for his unfulfilled and for his unsatisfied sexual appetite. Which   if he had he kept it to himself, would not have been a problem, and the working class would have been none the wiser, however he didn’t keep it to himself.

Not only was fat guts Knightley the largest employer in the village he also owned most of the houses, where his employees lived, which is why they were all so shit scared of him, because if he sacked them, and also as their landlord he would make them homeless into the bargain. So not only would they lose their Job, they would find themselves homeless as well, and of course fat guts Knightley was just the sort of man to take advantage of this.

Of course Lord Paul Knight would argue if his Lady wife could not, or would not fore fill his manly needs then he had to find other ways to satisfy them. Oh yes when they were first married Sarah did satisfy his cravings he kept her awake most of the night, every night; he was like a wild rampant rabbit.

Sarah looked upon the invasion of her body as a mild inconvenience, owning to the fact regardless of his large beer gut; the same could not be said about the size of his manhood. Which in relation to other men, was considerably smaller, and if he had a beer gut full of ale, well then he was lucky if he could just about manage a three inch erection, and that was if he was lucky.

However like most men of the day he was a selfish lover, he was not concerned with the woman’s pleasure, he was the Lord and Master and as such it was a woman’s job to satisfy him, as and when he demanded to be satisfied.

Lady Sarah, put up with his sexual demands until their honeymoon was over, and then told him in no uncertain terms she would only fore fill their marriage contract for no more than three times a week, and even then no more than once a night. Which is why her husband, her sexually deprived husband went looking elsewhere to fore fill his sexual desires. 

Titanic 2 the next up and coming book by this famous author
Titanic 2 the next up and coming book by this famous author

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